The Ones That Love Me Most

I have been blessed with some pretty incredible people in my life. I've been blessed with an amazing family and with amazing friends. I've been blessed with people that have made my life more beautiful.

To all of you that are in this category, thank you. Thank you for all that you've done for me. Thank you for loving me the way that you do.

I don't want to try to name everyone because I'm afraid that if I try, I might forget someone, and Lord knows I would never be able to forgive myself for that. So I'm just going to trust that those of you that fall into this category know who you are and know that this section is completely dedicated to you.

Thank you to those people that have been there for me since my first breath.

Thank you to those that have helped me in my walk with God.

Thank you to those that have been there for me in my darkest moments.

Thank you to those that have loved me despite all my quirks.

Thank you to those that have come later in life, and that have welcomed me into the beautiful lives you live.

Thank you to those that have allowed me to talk, and have helped me figure this crazy thing called life out.

Thank you to those that have loved me more than anyone else (even though I'm sure some of you believe you love me better than anyone else!).

Thank you to the furry ones that have loved me so much, and made an impact on my life.

Thank you to the ones that have impacted my job choice in life.

Thank you to those that have loved me even up to your point of death, and that I know are still loving me up in Heaven.

Thank you to those that have spent time to teach me all the important things in life.

Thank you to all my role models, the ones I know and the ones that I do not know.

Thank you to those that love me like your own.

Thank you to everyone that loves me and has been part of my life.

This page is dedicated to you.


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