Monday, June 30, 2014

An Update on Kylie

Not too long ago, I posted about a beautiful little girl that I love to death that is fighting a really hard battle with cancer. I informed you all that she was given a time frame the last time she went to St. Jude & that there is no longer anything the doctors can do for her except make her as comfortable as possible until her time comes. I asked you all to help achieve her final wish, to travel back to Disney World one more time.

About two weeks ago, the nurses informed Kylie's momma that she would not be able to go to Disney World. They were afraid that she wouldn't be able to make the trip down. Kylie's mom, Nikki, posted on her Facebook that the money donated towards Kylie going to Disney would now be used for her to have wishes come true on a local scale such as going to Build a Bear or the Aquarium. Anything left at the end would go towards funeral costs. 

I'm asking now that you would simply pray for Kylie. She is very uncomfortable right now from the pressure in her brain & from the steroids that she is having to take. It has caused her body to swell & her brain is no longer telling her metabolism to work, so her food is not being used in her body like most people's are. 

I'm also asking that you would pray for her momma, Nikki. Nikki is struggling right now as well to make sure that she can keep Kylie happy while balancing the emotions that come with knowing you're going to be losing a child. I can't even imagine the pain that she is experiencing. 

I will continue to update on Kylie & ask that everyone can just continue to pray for this sweet girl & her family & friends & loved ones.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Seeking Prayers

This week I didn't write a Music Obsession post for the week because I have been preoccupied writing a song of my own that I cannot wait to share with you all as soon as it's done & recorded. 

As you all may remember, I wrote a post about two women that provided me with inspiration when I was least expecting it. Graysen, one of the women I wrote about, brought back some more inspiration to my life. & one more incredible young lady brought inspiration into my life.

On Memorial Day, I got to spend time with a beautiful angel named Kylie that I wrote about a few posts ago. This one time brought so much to my life. Kylie's spirit & courage & strength is a huge inspiration.

Because of these two beautiful ladies, I have written a song, something I've not in about a year & a half. I'm really excited about this song & I'm really excited to finish this song & get it recorded so I can share it with everyone.

But the song is only part of this post. The main reason for this post is to talk about Miss Kylie.

Last week, Kylie & her momma traveled to Saint Jude for an MRI to see what the status was on the tumor in her brain. The outcome was not what anyone wanted to hear. Kylie couldn't have an MRI or a CT Scan because she has so much pressure on her brain that sedating her would cause dangerous repercussions. Her doctors are giving her a few more months. 

Kylie has received timelines that are very short like this before & God kept her alive much longer than those timelines. This time, though, her body is in a much worse state than it has been before. She has cancer cells flowing through her spinal fluid. She has incredible pressure on her brain. The mass in her brain is turning into another tumor. There is no more treatment that can be given to her.

Now, all that is left to do, is meet all of her wishes & pray to God for His will to be done. 

I used to ask for prayers for a miracle whenever I was faced with negative situations. I used to pray for complete healing of anyone that I knew that was sick. But I've stopped doing this. Not because I don't believe God can do it, but because God's Word has changed my outlook on everything that happens in life. I read Matthew 26:39 & understood His Word better for the first time in my life.

"And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire."

Jesus was afraid & begging God to save Him…if that's what He willed. Of course He didn't want to go through this painful ordeal & be tortured & die on a cross & then face all of hell just to save our lives! Who would want to do that? But He knew that God wanted us to be saved & wanted us to be able to live in His Kingdom with us. So He spoke His heart to God & admitted He was scared & didn't want to go through this, but He wanted God's will above His own desires.

So that's where I'm at now. I don't want Kylie to continue to suffer & I don't want this precious little girl's life to end, but that may be God's will. If He plans to perform a miracle in her life, I will be overjoyed. If He plans to bring her home, I will praise Him for ending her pain & bringing her into His arms & into His Kingdom.

So I'm asking everyone to please, please pray that God's Will will be done in Kylie's life. I'm asking you to please pray that God will grant Kylie's family & friends & everyone she has touched His peace & comfort during this time.

The last thing, Kylie wants to go to Disney one more time. There are many ways that you can help her, & if you can & want to, it would mean the world to me for you to give for her. I love this girl so much, & her situation is very close to me after I've lost my grandfather a few months ago to a similar situation & since my step-uncle, Stephen, is fighting a similar battle.

There are tons of ways that you can help out this sweet girl. If you live in the Knoxville area, this Friday & Saturday there will be a yard sale that is being held to raise money for Kylie at The Church at Sterchi Hills. You can donate your time or your money. Friday, the yard sale will start at 9am.

You can purchase a keychain from this site on Etsy! You can use this keychain to show your support & also tell about Kylie's story.

You can purchase Mary Kay products through Amelia Durand & she's donating part of the proceeds to Kylie. You can purchase through Amelia here:

You can donate through YouCaring & can even donate anonymously if you want to remain anonymous.

The best way to find out more ways to give to Kylie is visit the Facebook page that has been set up specifically for her.

If you can't help financially, please just pray for this sweet girl & her family, friends, & the lives that she has touched. & share her story. She is a beautiful little girl with one heck of a spirit & a strong story.
